A Journey of Faith
and Self-Discovery
The mission is to instill the core values of Islam and equip the youth with the right morals and principles to face this pivotal stage of their life.
Why Ahlan Deen Camp?
Ahlan Deen Camp is a 5-day camp tailored for 12-17-year-olds, designed to guide pre-teens and teens as they navigate their journey of self-discovery.
In today’s world, the challenges faced by Muslims can make it easy to drift away from Islam. With the fast pace of life, staying on track requires a strong character—one built on consistency, dedication, and commitment.
Each pillar of Islam holds a unique essence that, when practiced, instills a strong set of principles and a clear perspective on life. Strong morals are essential for us to stay on the right path, both in life and in Allah’s religion.
Thank you Ahlan team for making such an effort to make sure everything goes well. Azfar & Arissa enjoyed the camp very much. They cant stop talking about it. The fun, the friendship they made. MashaAllah.
Alhamdulillah. Thank you Ahlan Deen Camp team, for the soulful and wondrous 4 days journey of ilm with the children. My son will definitely treasure this for life. Hopefully to apply what he had learn into his everyday practice.
Hi guys thank you for a great camp.
My son Affan enjoyed so much already looking foward to your next camp.
My son Affan enjoyed so much already looking foward to your next camp.